Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Creative Commons license?

I visited Prestes Hangar to try out the T-27 model, which is based on the A-29B model from my hangar, which is in turn based on an AlphaSim Tucano model. One of the licenses used at the site is the Creative Commons license, which I've heard of but never looked in to. It seems very similar, if slightly more restrictive than the "Freeware/non-commercial" license I've been using. It has the benefit of being known, specific, and well documented, including having a nifty website to link to. Maybe I should just switch to the CC license? Anybody have experience with this license?

To be specific, Prestes Hangar uses the "by-nc-sa", or "Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike" version of the CC license, which seems most fitting for Dave's Hangar.


  1. Dear David, here is Isaias Prestes, from PRESTES Hangar. Well, fist i would like to congratulate you for the excellent work in FG. Tucano is amazing... and the most popular aircraft in FlightGear Brazil comunity. Well... about license, i dont ask you permission to edit your A29... but all T-27 credit was attributed for you. I hope you are not angry with me :)
    About the CC license, that was the most appropriate license than I found in the internet to protect my work. Why do you ask "Why not GPL "?. Well, some guys are selling FlightGear, and I don't want to work free to this guys... CC license have some variants that makes your work free to be improved, modified but respecting the author's name in his work. The best to do is a careful reading. Best regards!

  2. Hi Isaias. I'm happy to see the T-27 model. I'm not angry. The more I hear about the CC license the more I think it may be an improvement over the current license.

  3. OK, it's done. The new license for Dave's Hangar is CC-BY-NC-SA.
